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Field Research and Consulting Services

·  National Park Service: species inventory and monitoring at Everglades, Big Cypress, Biscayne Dry Tortugas, Buck Island and Virgin Islands National Parks

· South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD): Conduct radio-telemetry study to identify roost sites and foraging areas of Corynorhinus rafinesquii, the southeastern big-eared bat, on the Lower Reedy Creek Management Area. 1998 – 2000.  Repeated 2002 – 2003.

· SFWMD: Provide design for bat house built for southeastern big-eared bats on the Disney Wilderness Preserve (DWP). 1999.

· The Nature Conservancy and Walt Disney Company: Bat diversity survey on the DWP, Kissimmee, FL. Also monitored population of southeastern big-eared bats (Corynorhinus rafinesquii macrotis) in abandoned structure and new bat houses on this site. 1995-2000.

· United States Forest Service (USFS):  species diversity survey = Ocala National Forest

· United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): South Florida rare bat survey = focus on Florida mastiff bat (Eumops floridanus)

· Florida Cooperative Research Unit/USGS:  SAR (Species at Risk) bat survey at Camp Blanding, a Florida Army National Guard facility

· Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI): NAS Jacksonville, Rodman Bomb Target

· Other military surveys = Moody AFB, Tyndal AFB, MCRTC (Jacksonville), MCAS (Beaufort, SC)

· County of Volusia, Florida: bat species diversity survey of county parks. Completed 1998.

· Bat Conservation International (BCI): Study of bat house use in central Florida. Monitored temperature in several bat house designs and occupied roosts. 1993-1997.

· BCI: Assisted in radio-tracking study of the Mexican long-tongued bat (Leptonycteris curasoae) in Kino Bay, Sonora, Mexico. 1990.

· Radio tracked bats to assist researcher Sue Barnard with  A digestion trial on big brown bats to study on the nutritional needs of  insectivorous bats

· 3-D International: Assisted with bat diversity survey of Cape Canaveral Air Station, Brevard Co., FL 1996.

· US Naval Air Station at Boca Chica, FL.: Consult on nuisance bats (Cuban house bats, Molossus molossus) in facility buildings and on design for bat house to be constructed

FBN Research Projects

Research and Consulting is conducted for private and government organizations needing information on bat related issues. Scientific information on species diversity and populations is gathered during surveys using bat detectors (both hand-held and Anabat), mist nets / harp traps, radio-telemetry, visual surveys and a professionally scent trained ‘bat dog’. Data loggers (HOBO and Campbell) are used to monitor environmental parameters of known and experimental roost sites.

Several of our research projects are listed below (1990 – present) =